Our Trustees
SWAGS+ has six trustees who meet at least four times a year in person and on computer every week on-line. They ensure that the charity is well run, the accounts are a true representation of the financial matters and to develop ideas for members and their families/carers.
Please contact our Chair-person Terry Stannard-Smith
E-mail: swagsswags1010@gmail.com
Terry Stannard-Smith
I am a carer for a stroke survivor and have been for eleven plus years. I am an Ambassador and volunteer for the Stroke Association. I have previously served as a trustee and chairman for a diversity/interfaith charity. I believe that SWAGS+ has achieved great things since coming into being, and feel privileged to be part of its history and its continuing journey.
Vice Chair-person
Elaine Monsen
I am Elaine and was appointed vice chair. I have much experience as a nurse working with stroke patients in the hospital to become a specialist. Latterly employed by the Stroke Association, for many years I was their communication support co-ordinator for Suffolk. Incidentally I supported the formation of working age stroke groups, which has now become SWAGS+
Marie Dawson
I'm Marie and secretary for SWAGS+, I help facilitate with this group with experience gained as a Stroke Association communication support volunteer.
I have particular interest in the holistic approaches to post stroke long term recovery; support that encompasses social and mental wellbeing.
Adrian Stannard-Smith
I'm Adi, was an accounts person who did his training in the NHS, my last job was accounting for Climax Stowmarket.
I had a Stroke in 2013, spent 5 months in hospital. He found that being disabled didn’t stop him volunteering. I started with the Stroke Association, became an ambassador, then he joined ‘Songlines’ with Music In Our Bones.
I volunteer with Music in our Bones, Stroke Association and with SWAGS+.
Membership Secretary
Pam Beatty
My name is Pam, I collect and bank the subs for SWAGS+, also do the refreshments and I am the fire marshall.
I was introduced into SWAGS+ after my partner had a stroke in December 2016, for whom, I was a full time carer, until he passed away in 2021. SWAGS+ is like a family, where everyone looks out for each other with the offer of help, support and assistance, be it a stroke survivor or carer/family.
Events Co-ordinator
Georgie Lusher
My name is Georgina, I am a fundraiser and event’s organiser for SWAGS +. I joined SWAGS in 2017, after suffering a stroke.
The group has been my lifeline.
I have a huge interest in stroke and life after stroke and learnt so much from other survivors in the group.
I have always, from a young age, enjoyed fundraising and helping in the community, my passion has always been to help charities and organisations.